Western blot Products for Every Step of the Journey
Western blot remains one of the most common techniques to detect and identify proteins from cell lysates or tissue homogenates. Exreprotein offers a wide selection of gels, molecular weight markers, buffers and antibodies to save time setting up experiments and get reliable data.
Fast Gel Prep in 20 minutes. Run Your Gel in 30 minutes
Exreprotein EXREsolve FlexKD PAGE Gel kits are optimized to make gel preparation a breeze. The necessary reagents are included in the kit.
✓ 20 minute gel preparation time. Stacking gel can be poured while separation gel is setting.
✓ 30 minute electrophoresis time. Safely use high voltage up to 300V to resolve proteins faster.
✓ Sharp and consistent bands.
✓ Safer handling. No TEMED is required or used in the formulation.
✓ Save money. More cost-effective than other alternatives.
✓ Options for all protein molecular weights.
Pre-cast Gels. Ultimate Convenience When Results Matter
Our EXREsolve Pre-cast Gels are manufactured for consistent results allowing you to focus on running your gels without worrying about prepping and pouring your own gels.
✓ Easy to use. Leave the gel casting to us.
✓ 30 minute electrophoresis time. Safely use high voltage up to 300V to resolve proteins faster.
✓ Sharp and consistent bands.
✓ Save money. More cost-effective than other suppliers.
✓ The buffer is included. Two packs of MOPS-SDS buffer powder included. Quick prep time.
✓ Safer handling. No TEMED is required or used in the formulation
✓ Gel options for your protein size:
- ✓ 12% gel: 10-160 kDa
- ✓ 4-20% gel: 10-250 kDa
- ✓ 4-12% gel: 20-300 kDa
Prestained Protein Molecular Weight Standards
Our prestained protein molecular weight standards help visual the correct molecular weight for your proteins of interest.
✓ Multiple colors visually identify bands of different sizes
✓ Ready to use. Load directly. No heating, dilution or reducing agent required.
✓ Easily observe electrophoresis progress
✓ Visually verify transfer between gel and membrane.
✓ Convenient ladder ranges for your protein targets:
- ✓ 2.7-40 kDa
- ✓ 8-250 kDa
- ✓ 10-180 kDa
- ✓ 10-200 kDa
- ✓ 15-130 kDa
- ✓ 25-300 kDa
Visualize Your Results
Whether you need to stain total protein or use HRP-linked antibodies for chemiluminescent detection, we have you covered.
✓ EXREsolve Blue Protein Staining Reagent. Total protein staining Coomassie alternative.
✓ EXREsolve ECL Chemiluminescent Substrate.
- ✓ Improved sensitivity. 10x better than average ECL reagent
- ✓ Low background
- ✓ Stable
- ✓ Improved sensitivity. 10x better than average ECL reagent
Simplify Your Lab Prep. Easy to use buffers.
Keep your buffer prep simple and consistent. Choose from our ready-made buffer or instant buffer powders:
✓ Instant HEPES Buffer
✓ Instant Membrane Transfer Buffer
✓ Instant MES Buffer
✓ Instant MOPS Buffer
✓ Instant TBS-T Buffer
✓ Instant TBS-T Blocking Buffer
✓ Instant Tris-Glycine Buffer
✓ Instant Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer
✓ Fast Western Blot Transfer Buffer 10X
✓ SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer 5X
✓ Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer 10X